
Rounding Tool

May 12, 2023 — Audit tool to guide the user on areas to inspect and review while rounding through the facility

QAPI Action Plan form

May 12, 2023 — Sample template for developing a QAPI action plan that includes root cause analysis and all required components for a plan of correction to demonstrate “past non-compliance”. Updated 2017

Meal Observation Audit

May 12, 2023 — An audit tool to use to gain knowledge of resident satisfaction and regulatory compliance during meal service

Focused Audit Tool – Admission / Discharge

May 12, 2023 — Audit tool to monitor that all required information is sent to Emergency Room or other provider when residents is transferred and that notifications are given to resident / representative and Ombudsman

QAPI Manual

May 12, 2023 — A comprehensive manual consisting of approximately 500 pages offering guidance to skilled and long-term care nursing facilities in Quality Assurance Performance Improvement. The manual consist of 8 different sections or chapters that are comprehensive, thorough and easy to follow, offering discussions on implementing, fine-tuning and modifying a successful QAPI program. The manual has over 58... Read More


May 12, 2023 — Policy offers guidance on creating a comprehensive QAPI plan that take a systematic, interdisciplinary, comprehensive and data-driven approach to maintaining and improving safety and quality outcomes.

QAPI Disclosure and Good Faith

May 12, 2023 — Policy offers the facility guidance on ensuring they provide satisfactory evidence, that it has, through it’s QAA committee, identified its own high risk, high volume, and problem-prone quality deficiency, and is making a “good faith attempt” to correct them.

QAPI Disclosure and Good Faith – VIRGINIA SPECIFIC

May 12, 2023 — Policy offers the facility guidance on ensuring they provide satisfactory evidence, that it has, through it’s QAA committee, identified its own high risk, high volume, and problem-prone quality deficiency, and is making a “good faith attempt” to correct them. Includes guidance from Code of Virginia

QAPI Design and Scope

May 12, 2023 — Policy provides guidance to the facility on ensuring the QAPI Program is ongoing, comprehensive and addresses all care and services provided by the facility, and the scope of the performance improvement efforts is reflective of the complexity of services and resources of the organization.